Do Smart Mormons Make Mormonism True?

A PDF version of this Document: And Answers to Other “Tough Gospel Questions” in Reply to a Faithful Mormon Scholar’s Defence of Mormonism bob mccue June 20, 2004 Version 3 Nothing falsifies history more than logic. Fransois Guizot Introduction In a June 13, 2004 article on page B7 of the Observer/Faith & Reason section of…

Mormon Apologetics Redux

Some time ago, I wrote my usual long, verbose, redundant, meandering, biased, ad hominem, misleading analysis of how Mormon and other apologetic groups work. It was, of course, described this way by a Mormon apologist. You can find it at….. For reasons unclear to me, I woke up this morning with a few things to…

Uncertainty, Depression And Creativity

The recent psychological literature has noted a striking increase in depression rates at more or less the same time as the psychological community has turned its eye, and pen, toward what makes people happy.[1] It seems, to an extent, that the more aware we become of our potential for happiness, the more depressed we are.…

I Am A Recovering Mormon

If this were a Mormon testimony meeting, I would stand up, start with the obligatory “brothers and sisters, I want to bear you my testimony that I know this is the one and only true church on the face of the earth blah blah blah”, and then get into what I really wanted to say…

Review Of Michael Ruse’s Mysteries Of Mysteries – Is Evolution A Social Construction?

Review of Michael Ruse’s “Mysteries of Mysteries – Is Evolution a Social Construction?” bob mccue July 26, 2005 A friend asked some time ago that I write a review of Michael Ruse’s (“Michael”) book “Mysteries of Mysteries – Is Evolution a Social Construction?” (“Mystery”) and post it to a science list on which we both…

Comparative Apologetics

One of the last barriers I had to jump on my way out of Mormonism might be called the “Smart Mormon” hurdle. As one approaches it, the hurdle looks like this: There are so many really smart Mormons who believe Mormonism is “true”. The smart Mormons are much smarter and better educated than I am.…