Note from Bob – May 18, 2017

Note from Bob (May 18, 2017): My brother Rich was kind enough to salvage the information on this site after an earlier website appeared to have been hacked, and disabled. Thank-you Rich! Had he not done that, none of the information on this site would be publicly available. Years after I should have done so,…

Complex Adaptive Systems

Written between August 5 and October 2, 2006 Read the entire document in PDF format: Complex Adaptive Systems Essay v2 Table of Contents Complexity Theory for Dummies (Like Me) 2 Introduction 2 Complexity Theory in Context 2 What is an SOS or CAS? 4 The Universal Diagram 5 How Patterns Form in Complex Systems 7…

Lyndon Lamborn

I watched Lyndon’s you tube presentation to the Red Mountain Community Church near Phoenix, and thoroughly enjoyed it. See:…. He is an eloquent spokesman for the post-Mormon movement. His personal style is folksy, and pleasant. He is the kind of guy that most people would probably love to spend an evening chatting with. I certainly…

Do Smart Mormons Make Mormonism True?

A PDF version of this Document: And Answers to Other “Tough Gospel Questions” in Reply to a Faithful Mormon Scholar’s Defence of Mormonism bob mccue June 20, 2004 Version 3 Nothing falsifies history more than logic. Fransois Guizot Introduction In a June 13, 2004 article on page B7 of the Observer/Faith & Reason section of…

Skydiving as Post-Mormon Therapy

For the last two Sundays, I attended Sky Church. The meetings involve confronting primal fear, and staring it down. This is done on the basis of a desire to fly, an intellectual understanding of the tiny risks you are in fact facing if you choose to do so. Then, while either staring down your demons,…

Paradox In Religious Belief And Practice

This meditation is inspired by an article from the NY Times a friend recently sent me that was written by an intellectual, “born again Catholic”, who eloquently described the paradoxical nature of her re-acceptance of her childhood faith. I have cut and pasted the article at the end of this piece. It is worth reading.…