Life – Tightrope Or Creative Web?

One of Mormonism’s, and organized religion’s, fundamental premises is that the basic elements of our lives must be as they are. God created the cosmos, the Earth, and us. God mandated certain types of relationships. God mandated certain forms of social cialis institutions. Etc. As reality comes into better focus, one of the first things…

Gratitude In A Sunday Snowstorm

It is Sunday, March 22, 2009. I’m sitting in my living room at eight o’clock in the morning, staring through picture windows across the prairies and foothills toward the Rocky Mountains about 30 miles away. I can’t see the mountains. We’re in the middle of a spectacular spring snowstorm that started late last night. Snow…

Mormon Apologetics Redux

Some time ago, I wrote my usual long, verbose, redundant, meandering, biased, ad hominem, misleading analysis of how Mormon and other apologetic groups work. It was, of course, described this way by a Mormon apologist. You can find it at….. For reasons unclear to me, I woke up this morning with a few things to…