Note from Bob – May 18, 2017

Note from Bob (May 18, 2017): My brother Rich was kind enough to salvage the information on this site after an earlier website appeared to have been hacked, and disabled. Thank-you Rich! Had he not done that, none of the information on this site would be publicly available. Years after I should have done so,…

Lyndon Lamborn

I watched Lyndon’s you tube presentation to the Red Mountain Community Church near Phoenix, and thoroughly enjoyed it. See:…. He is an eloquent spokesman for the post-Mormon movement. His personal style is folksy, and pleasant. He is the kind of guy that most people would probably love to spend an evening chatting with. I certainly…


Welcome! bob’s musings are intermittently updated. Check back for updates or subscribe to the Site RSS feed. Note from Bob (May 18, 2017): My brother Rich was kind enough to salvage the information on this site after an earlier website appeared to have been hacked and disabled. Thank-you Rich! Years after I should have done…

Lyndon Lamborn – Dancing With Evangelicals At The Red Mountain Community Church

I watched Lyndon’s you tube presentation to the Red Mountain Community Church near Phoenix, and thoroughly enjoyed it. See…. He is an eloquent spokesman for the post-Mormon movement. His personal style is folksy, and pleasant. He is the kind of guy that most people would probably love to spend an evening chatting with. I certainly…

Let Us Celebrate Our Heroes

Let us celebrate our heroes, and empathize with the vast majority of our social groups (including, even, religious leaders) who have no realistic chance when pitted against their social forces. These thoughts were stimulated by my reading of a recent article posted at I have mentioned, perhaps too many times, that this is one of…