Stronger, Better Educated Females — A Silver Bullet For Humanity’s Current Demons?

Stronger, Better Educated Females — A Silver Bullet for Humanity’s Current Demons? Years ago, I ran across E.O. Wilson’s wonderful essay “The Bottleneck” (see…). Since then, from time to time, I have wondered whether we have available to us a more powerful social medicine than female education and empowerment. I have not found one so…

A Few Thoughts About Mormon Marriage

A Few Thoughts About Mormon Marriage bob mccue October 22, 2005 Table of Contents Introduction 2 Two’s Company; Three’s A Crowd 2 Fear and Desire 3 The Man’s On Top 4 Where’s The Love? 5 Mormonism Takes Undue Credit 5 Temple Building As An Investment Strategy 6 Divorce 6 Marriage In Traditional Societies v.…