Do Liberals Need Conservatives And Vice Versa?

While contemplating life the day after an historic US election, I decided to jot a bit about basic, ironic, differences between political liberals and conservatives, and how small group dynamics (in particular, religious group dynamics) play into this. For background, I highly recommend Jon Haidt’s TED talk at…. Haidt is one of our most consistently…

Big Picture Religion And Atheism

I found Jon Haidt’s reference in The Happiness Hypothesis to the literature related to ethics of community versus ethics of individuality to be useful. In particular, it was his suggestion that perhaps we would not want to completely eliminate either one or the other that got me thinking about this concept. There is lots of…

“I Am Hutterite” By Mary-Ann Kirkby

“I Am Hutterite” by Mary-Ann Kirkby I saw this book sitting on a stand in and airport bookstore as I was walking past this afternoon, picked it up on impulse and finished it a few hours later. I highly recommend it. This is not a great work of literature. It is, however, a nicely crafted…

Lyndon Lamborn – Dancing With Evangelicals At The Red Mountain Community Church

I watched Lyndon’s you tube presentation to the Red Mountain Community Church near Phoenix, and thoroughly enjoyed it. See…. He is an eloquent spokesman for the post-Mormon movement. His personal style is folksy, and pleasant. He is the kind of guy that most people would probably love to spend an evening chatting with. I certainly…

I Am A Recovering Mormon

If this were a Mormon testimony meeting, I would stand up, start with the obligatory “brothers and sisters, I want to bear you my testimony that I know this is the one and only true church on the face of the earth blah blah blah”, and then get into what I really wanted to say…

Mormonism’s Response To Secularization

This is a contribution I made recently to a science and religion list on which I participate. All the best, bob My continued reading here confirms that I have far more to learn than to contribute to those of you who have been at this science and religion stuff much longer than have I. Thank…

Review Of Michael Ruse’s Mysteries Of Mysteries – Is Evolution A Social Construction?

Review of Michael Ruse’s “Mysteries of Mysteries – Is Evolution a Social Construction?” bob mccue July 26, 2005 A friend asked some time ago that I write a review of Michael Ruse’s (“Michael”) book “Mysteries of Mysteries – Is Evolution a Social Construction?” (“Mystery”) and post it to a science list on which we both…